Tuesday, May 02, 2006

My Bark is Worse Than My Write

I'm all talk. My bark is worse than my write. I was all about “I’m gonna write a blog every day!” And here it is 4 days later and no blogs.

So the topic for today is the Richards-Locklear cat fight. Can I call it a cat-fight if they aren’t technically speaking? Today I realized why everyone is dazzled by celebrity lives and cling to magazines like People and US. It’s because they have PHOTOS!

Sure, it’s interesting if you heard a story about one of your friend’s mom’s best friend’s husband who left her for a neighbor who is ten years younger and in the middle of a divorce from her verbally abusive, porn-watching, madam paying husband. But imagine how much more engaging the story would be if your friend could provide photos!

What if, instead of reading magazines, everyone carried photos and just exchanged outrageous stories. “This is my neighbor, he’s cheating on his handicapped wife with Michelle," you'd dig through your purse, "wait, hold on, her pic is in here somewhere.”

We’re not interested in the fact that a former Bond girl is hooking up with a rock star drummer. No! We’re interested because US Weekly has photos of the hook up! I’ve never seen one of her movies or been to one of Sambora’s shows. I could care less about their talents, but I care about their juicy pics.

And that’s how shows like Jerry Springer and Montel can stay on the air. It’s because we actually get to see the deranged people. They are live! They aren’t even famous, but people watch because there is a face to go with the story.

Back to Denise Richards. Since I got sucked into this story by flashy headlines and “shocking” photos, I had another thought. She is seeking custody of their children because he looks at online porn, threatened her and might bring naughty girls home. I see her point. His habits aren’t exactly kid friendly. However, before she married him, he was already a known bad boy. He had a nasty drug habit, abused a former girlfriend and kept a Hollywood madam in business. So, the way I see it, Charlie might not be ideal, but Denise is a bad judge of character.

Charlie can clean up his act, but there's no cure for stupid.