Monday, April 24, 2006

Switch Hitter

Apparently I'm a switch-hitter. Everyone at the office I'm working at either drinks tea or coffee, but not both. Various times as I have been working here, somone will see me making tea and say something like "Oh, you drink tea instead of coffee? I drink tea, too." And to their horror and shock, I say, "no I drink both." Then once someone else saw me making tea and confused said, "Hey, I thought you coffee!"

Isn't this odd? Not only that the office is divided into the teas vs the coffees, but that anyone might actually notice my drinking preferences, let alone remember them the following day? So to keep everyone on their toes, I keep a cup of coffee and tea on my desk at all times. And, if I'm feeling really wild, some days I let loose and add milk to my tea...others I don't.