Wednesday, February 15, 2006


This past weekend it snowed two feet. Most normal adults dread snow because it means ass-busting potential as you walk to work. It means shovelling and salting. It means taking longer to get anywhere. It means stores are closed. But for me, it meant sledding!

This is where me and my husband differ. He saw the giant flakes falling from the sky as a perfect excuse not to leave the house for two days. I saw it as the perfect excuse TO leave.

He humored me and we walked to the park as I hummed and drug my red plastic sled. There were a lot of people out. I realized that all the people out in the snow with sleds had something I did not...children. Yes, kids everywhere. I felt like the the kid at roll-a-rink with no skates watching everyone else have fun.

Should we get a kid? And how could I find one before the snow melted or got dirty? I decided that there should be some service that matches up parents who need a break with adults who temporarily need a kid. Everyone has those times in their life when they wish they had someone under 6 with them. Like when you go to see a G-rated movie, or wait in line for the new Harry Potter book, or excitedly buy ice-cream.

I looked so silly - childless and sledding. Who was I kidding? It was really pathetic because I also realized that where I live is too flat to actually gain any momentum. And there's nothing more pathetic than a 32 year-old sitting in the snow on a stationary plastic sled.