Thursday, May 04, 2006


President Bush called Mexican president Vicente Fox yesterday to express disapproval of Mexico’s policy to legalize drugs. Apparently there was some confusion when he answered the phone, so Bush said, “Hi, Vicente?”

To which sly Fox replied, “Why yes I am.”

Although, the bill was revoked today, it was one wild night in Mexico.

I live for when Vicente Fox makes the news. Mainly because he reminds me of a Mexican Tom Selleck, but also he’s on my five attractive politicians list. Note, this is not a Top 5 list. No, that would infer that there are lots and I whittled it down. This is list of the only five attractive politicians alive. In addition to the foxy Fox, the list includes British boy-toy Tony Blair, newcomer Barak Obama, cutie George Clooney and another guy that I forgot his name.

Don’t get all up in arms with the whole ‘George Clooney isn’t an elected official’ bit. I’ve heard that before. But how is anyone supposed to know that he’s not a politician, when he keeps popping up in all the political fundraiser photos! Most people don’t know actually read the articles, we look at the pics.

If Clooney does ever did run for office, everyone would see the signs and just assume that he’s up for re-election.