Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Taxidermy to Taxi

This very well could have been a figment of my imagination, but I’m almost positive the elevator TV at work had a news-bulletin about a new trend of taxidermy decor in urban dwellings.

I read this and I thought, “Everyone in my hometown in Georgia is about to strike it rich on eBay!” My mom is coming up next week and I considered calling to see if she’s ready to part with her armadillo bread basket or the stuffed otter over the mantle.

I envisioned the per capita income going up in my little hometown, and it becoming like Greenwich, CT or Naples, FL. I could see people being impressed saying, "Wow, you're from Thomasville, Georgia! Was your family involved in the taxidermy boom of 2007?"

But then I googled it and can’t find any other articles to support my elevator news. You know what that’s so new and hip and cool that no one even knows about it yet! First the camouflage pants trend, now this!
