Thursday, October 16, 2008

Maverick in the Making...

As unsettling as it is, the above photos are of me. I'm now a faux-maverick.

I signed on with an agency to be a Palin impersonator, which I personally find hysterical.

If Obama loses the election, I can offset the gut-wrenching disappointment and find comfort in the fact that I'll have work next year - I might be the only person with work in the US, but I'll be working.

This creates an emotional dilemma, if McCain wins, good for me... bad for the rest of the world. It's kind of like when I had to choose between a chemical laden, animal tested moisturizing creme that made my face smooth as a baby's butt, and an organic lotion that won't give me cancer.

... But I'm the spittin' image of a woman 10 years older than me, so I guess you know which one I chose.

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