Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sleeping with the Devil

My husband has a cold this week. He's been up coughing all night for the past 3 nights. I'm sympathetic, I'm compassionate, I'm exhausted.

(By the way, if that graphic is driving you nuts, you can click on it and it stops.)

Last night while we 'slept' he alternated between trying to breath through his nose, then his mouth, which sounded like the audio from a martial arts movie. "Heeeii-yahhhh...uuuooohhhhh."

He coughed, he turned, he coughed, he turned. He'd turn and cough at the same time, spraying gusts of hot infectious air all over the room. It was like sleeping with the Tasmanian Devil.

I reinacted my Tasmanian Devil impression of him this morning. He laughed and said, "That's good, that sounds exactly like him, I can't believe you can remember what he sounded like."

Stunned, "Remember what he sounded like? I just listened to him for 8 hours straight!"

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